Washington County Pheasants Forever - Youth Support
Minnesota's Next Pheasant Hunters
Welcome to the next generation of conservationist and pheasant hunting enthusiasts. We help our younger generation play a larger role in our efforts to conserve and provide habitat for upland game. Our chapter provides opportunities to learn about Pheasants Forever through stewardship of lands and mentored youth hunts. Continue reading about our High School Trap Team raffle and youth events. If you have any questions, please contact us.
High School Trap Team Raffle
Washington County Pheasants Forever partners with area High School Trap Teams in the sale of raffle tickets. 100% of the funds raised by the sale of raffle tickets will go directly back to the High School Team. 50% will be deposited into the team’s MidwayUSA Foundation account. The other 50% will be distributed via check to the team. These funds can be used to support the trap team. The raffle drawing is held during the annual banquet in April. Please contact Kris Wilkens, Youth Chair, to sign up your High School Trap team.
Participating High School Trap Teams
- East Ridge Shooting Sports
- Irondale Clay Target Team
- Park High School Trap Team
- Washington County 4-H Shooting Sports
- White Bear Lake High School Trap Team